Vacation delights

Flat rates & offers

With our flat rates & special offers you get packages tailored to your needs. You can use the offers in all our Alpenresorts for the apartment of your choice!


Special Enjoyment Weeks

In spring 2025, the Special Enjoyment Weeks offer numerous services for guests with a valid guest card in Ladis. There are great offers every week!


3+1 Special Enjoyment Weeks

In spring 2025, the Special Enjoyment Weeks offer numerous services for guests with a valid guest card in Ladis. There are great offers every week! This offer also gives you 4 nights for the price of 3.


4+1 Special Enjoyment Weeks

In spring 2025, the Special Enjoyment Weeks offer numerous services for guests with a valid guest card in Ladis. There are great offers every week! This offer also gives you 5 nights for the price of 4.


5+1 Special Enjoyment Weeks

In spring 2025, the Special Enjoyment Weeks offer numerous services for guests with a valid guest card in Ladis. There are great offers every week! This offer also gives you 6 nights for the price of 5.


6+1 Special Enjoyment Weeks

In spring 2025, the Special Enjoyment Weeks offer numerous services for guests with a valid guest card in Ladis. There are great offers every week! This offer also gives you 7 nights for the price of 6.


Family bliss 7 days

7 days of family happiness in the Alpenresorts Ladis Deluxe – Super.Sommer.Card included! Leave everyday life behind you while you are out and about in the mountains of Tyrol.


Family bliss 14 days

14 days of family happiness in the Alpenresorts Ladis Deluxe – Super.Sommer.Card included! Leave everyday life behind you while you are out and about in the mountains of Tyrol.

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